Forest Resource & Ecosystem Classification
GFMI has certified professionals experienced in the delineation, interpretation and classification of forest and wetland ecosystems and the changes within, using 2D and 3D soft-copy technology. We can provide a range of resource and inventory services, customized to client specifications. GFMI professionals:
- Delineate features and interpret current ecosystem condition, such as:
- Productive & non-productive forest types
- Forest cover species identification & proportional composition
- Forest characteristics (e.g. crown closure, stocking, age, height & vertical complexity)
- Soil moisture regime & site type
- Wetland classification
- Water features
- Capture and interpret physical /spatial changes in the environment due to:
- Natural disturbances (e.g. wildfire, windthrow, insect damage),
- Human-caused disturbances (e.g. land clearing, forest harvesting),
- Natural or assisted forest regeneration activities
- Other infrastructure such as:
- Roads & railways
- Water crossing structures
- Pipelines & utility corridors
- Pits & quarries
- Tower sites
- Cottage lots & campgrounds
- Residential, commercial & industrial areas
- Correct / update base feature data as a result of improved imagery accuracy
- Provide ground-based field surveys and plot sampling for ground-truthing and calibration, in support of ecosystem classification