Mission Statement
GreenForest Management Inc. is firmly committed to pursing a prosperous future in all aspects of sustainable forest and resource management, and enhancing the socio-economic well-being of Northern Ontario and its communities.
Vision Statement
The GreenForest Management Inc. team share a common vision of continual improvement in sustainable forest management and their overall environmental performance, while working to enhance the economic prosperity of Northern Ontario.
The following principles will guide us towards achieving our Vision:
• Meeting or exceeding all relevant legislation, regulations and policies to which the Company may subscribe
• Providing a safe working environment for all employees
• Conducting forest management planning activities in a manner which ensures the long-term sustainability of, and the biological diversity within, the forest resource while managing areas of special significance, taking into account their unique qualities
• Conducting forest management planning activities in a manner which recognizes the interest and values associated with the public, First Nations peoples, and other stakeholders
• Respecting First Nations rights and pursuing relationships that are mutally beneficial, while considering social and economic opportunities for First Nations communities
• Supporting forest research, monitoring advances in sustainable forest management science, and implementing leading-edge technology where feasible
• Ensuring that professional and technical staff involved in reource planning, mangement and delivery are trained and deemed proficient in their respective roles
• Striving for the highest level of quality and professionalism in every facet of our operations whereby everyone is personally responsible for delivering on these commitments